Research in France

Submitted by Kilian Harrer on

Hi everybody,

I thought it might make sense to start a thread where forum members can post anything they deem relevant about their research stays in France. For my part, I'll be in Paris this fall (Sep.-Dec.) and was wondering whether any of you will be there at the same time.



Submitted by Katie_McC on Tue, 06/12/2018 - 08:33 AM


Hi all!
Great idea Kilian -- I will also be in Paris from the end of June 2018 until May 2019. Alex Taft and I managed to see each other briefly for a drink when we crossed over last week -- so hit me up, anyone, if you're going to be around!
Best wishes,

Submitted by rjs13 on Tue, 06/12/2018 - 11:05 AM


I'm currently in Aix-en-Provence working in the archives municipales, but I'll be back in Paris from 26-31 July to work at the AN before heading back to the U.S.