Marina Ortiz


Contact Information


I am currently a PhD candidate studying with Dr. Rafe Blaufarb at Florida State University. I received my BA in History from Florida Southern College in 2014. In 2016 I received my MA in History from FSU before beginning my doctorate. My research focuses on material and visual culture produced during and shortly after the French Revolution. My dissertation centers on the use of material culture by counterrevolutionaries to influence the narrative and legacy of the revolution.


Major Field: The French Revolution

Minor Fields: Public History, Atlantic World, Gender & Sexuality

Conference Presentations

“Congressman James A. Haley and the Arts.” Paper presented at 53rd Annual Meeting, Florida Conference of Historians, Sarasota, Florida. . (Presented 2013, March).

“From Activism to Advocacy: Florida Feminist Roxcy Bolton and Her Dedication to Women’s Wellness.” Delivered at Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida. (Presented 2014, December).

“Jacques-Louis David: From Republican Painter to Canvasser of Empire.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, Shreveport, Louisiana, February 25-27, 2016.

“Rome Undone: Competing Views and Aligning Rhetoric Concerning the Despoliation of Italy.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the International Napoleonic Congress, Dublin, Ireland, July 11-16, 2016.

“The Art of War”: Cultural Commemoration of the Napoleonic Military.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, Charleston, South Carolina, February 23-26, 2017.

“Grad Stories: Choosing French History Topics—A Global Future?” Presented at the joint meeting for the Society for French Historical Studies Conference and George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation, July 30th, 2020.


Review of Picturing War in France, 1792-1856, by Katie Hornstein, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 47.3-4 (2019).